“The educational mission of the Church as Mother and Teacher is to proclaim the path to salvation and to promote growth in Christ. The Church forms and educates her children through the liturgical life; she leads them into the depths of the Christian faith through catechesis, and nurtures them with the Word of God as well as Body and Blood of Christ.” - Christ Our Pascha 953
The Office of Evangelization and Religious Education serves the Eparchy by promoting in-depth understandings of the Church’s Call to Educate her children. The Office of Religious Education does this through a number of ways including overseeing and developing materials for people of all ages, while facilitating Online Religious Education. For specifics about Faith Formation programs please our specific areas of focus.
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Rev. Nathan Symeon Adams
Fr. Nathan Symeon serves as Administrator of Our Lady of Wisdom in Las Vegas, Nevada, and as vice-chairman of the Eastern Catholic Eparchial Directors of Religious Education. He is also the Director of Religious Education and Evangelization for the Eparchy of Phoenix. He is currently working on an STL at St. Mary of the Lake Pontifical University in Dogmatic Theology. He completed a DTS with Youth With a Mission in Queensland Australia. He also received his Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Theology from Calvary Chapel Bible College, in Murrieta, CA.; a Master of Christian Thought (MACT) from Reformed Theological Seminary, in Oviedo, FL.; a Master of Divinity (M. Div.) from the Master’s Seminary in Sun Valley, CA.; a certificate in Anglican Studies and a Master of Sacred Theology (STM) from Nashotah House Seminary in Nashotah, WI. He graduated Summa Cum Laude from SS. Cyril and Methodius Byzantine Catholic Seminary in Pittsburgh, PA. with a Master of Arts in Theology (MAT). He and his wife have been married for 18 years and have five daughters.